Diamond Trust Bank (DTB) is a leading regional bank, listed on the Nairobi Securities
Exchange (NSE). An affiliate of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), DTB has operated in East Africa for over 70 years. DTB’s focus on the SME sector and commitment to enhancing convenience for customers through branch network expansion has driven the Bank’s growth in recent years.

With over 130 branches in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and Burundi, some of which are 24/7 digital branches, DTB is committed to enabling people to advance with confidence and success. The Bank’s heritage and values are articulated in its brand promise, Achieve More, and brought to life through an engaged diverse workforce.

Our Vision: Enabling people to advance with confidence and success.
Our Mission: To make our customers prosper, our staff excel and create value for our stakeholders.
Our Values: Our values are the fundamental principles that define our culture and are brought to life in both our attitudes and our behavior. It is our values that make us unique and unmistakable.

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