Jobs in Africa Tanzania Recover Africa Project Jobs in Africa Translation Of Radio Scripts In Local Languages In Tanzania Jobs in Africa at Recover Africa Project Translation Of Radio Scripts In Local Languages In Tanzania Employment opportunities Recover Africa Project


Established in 2005, Fairtrade Africa is the independent non-profit umbrella
organization representing all Fairtrade certified producers in Africa.
Fairtrade Africa is owned by its members, who are African producer
organizations certified against international Fairtrade standards producing
traditional export commodities such as coffee, cocoa, tea, cotton, bananas,
mango, and non- traditional commodities including shea butter and rooibos tea.
Currently, the organization represents over 1.18 million smallholder farmers
and workers across 28 countries in Africa.


To mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Fairtrade producers’
health, well-being and economic sustainability, this project on RECOVER
AFRICA Fairtrade Emergency Initiative Fund, funded by the Federal Ministry
for Economic Cooperation and Development BMZ, is implemented by Fairtrade
Africa FTA from September 2020 to April 2022. The project aims to provide
immediate relief to and support prevention of the further spread of the
pandemic on at-risk producers in nine countries in Africa Kenya, Uganda,
Rwanda, Tanzania, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Madagascar, Malawi and South Africa
; as well as help producers recover from economic losses due to COVID-19,
maintain and diversify their supply chain relations, and ensure business
continuity, food security and income generation for their member -– thereby
building producers’ resilience to future shocks and stresses.


FTA seeks to engage the services of a qualified language translation company
based in Tanzania to carry out the translation of radio scripts on RECOVER
AFRICA Project in into three local languages in Tanzania where there is a
cluster of Fairtrade producers. The radio scripts will be originally produced
in English.


Translation of three 3 radio scripts in English into three 3 local
languages in Tanzania


FTA is looking for an individual firms with demonstrated experience in
translating radio scripts with socially relevant content such as the COVID-19
pandemic, gender equality, women empowerment and youth engagement. In
addition, the said should possess the following.

-->An agency with at least five 5 years of expertise in translation.
-->Proven translation experience


The successful firm is expected to carry out the assignment for three months
October 2020 to December 2020 from the date of signing the contract.

Send your Application Through



Interested and qualified firms should submit their applications, which
should include the following

Firm profile;

Professional fee daily rate structure/rate card;

2 References and samples of similar assignments conducted in the past

A list of local languages translation capabilities in the country

The closing date for receiving the application is ** 7 ** ** th ** **
October 2020 ** .

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

Please send the applications to ****

Jobs in Africa Tanzania Recover Africa Project Jobs in Africa Translation Of Radio Scripts In Local Languages In Tanzania Jobs in Africa at Recover Africa Project Translation Of Radio Scripts In Local Languages In Tanzania Employment opportunities Recover Africa Project

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