Jobs in Dar es Salaam Tanzania Unesco Jobs in Dar es Salaam Consultant Jobs in Dar es Salaam at Unesco Consultant Employment opportunities Unesco

1\. Introduction

Early childhood Development ECD includes all supports necessary for every
child to realize his or her right to survival, protection and care that will
ensure optimal development from zero to age eight Evance, J 2000. ECD is
influenced by characteristics of a child, child’s family and the broader
surrounding social environment. ECD requires nurturing care and services that
encompass 5 domains of nurturing care Early Learning, Health and WASH,
Nutrition, Responsive Caregiving, and Security and Safety. Deprivations in
early childhood have a life-long impact. In low- and middle-income countries,
extreme poverty means an estimated 250 million children under 5 43% of all
under 5 in these countries are at risk of suboptimal development and stunted
growth. In 76 countries, an estimated 30% – or more – of young children are at
risk of poor learning, inadequate education and reduced adult earnings.

In Zanzibar too, young children are at risk of not developing to their full
potentials. The stunting rate is 23.5% and 7% of children are wasted. Pemba
has the highest prevalence at 9% TDHS 2015-16. The UN Convention of the
Right of the Child which states that, a child has the right to develop to the
maximum extent possible. The convention recognize the right of every child to
a standard of living adequate for the child physical, mental, spiritual, moral
and social development. Moreover in 2015 Early childhood development was
included in sustainable development goal reaffirming its growing status in the
global agenda. Tanzania has ratified Regional and International Conventions on
the rights of the child including the African Charter on the Rights and
Welfare of the Child of 1990 and the Convention on the Rights of the Child of
the United Nations of 1989 respectively. Zanzibar is also committed to such
conventions, as it is part of Tanzania. The Zanzibar Strategy for Growth and
Reduction of Poverty known as MKUZA III in-line with the Sustainable
Development Goals SDGs emphasize on Pre-primary Education as an important
part of Early Childhood Education ECE.

D-Tree 2019 Zanzibar ECD baseline report show that while a few health and
development indicators, such as vaccination coverage and regular play, were
high, nearly 10% of children in Zanzibar have some developmental delay.
Targeted interventions and health promotion activities across all domains of
health, nutrition, and development could improve child well-being and
development outcomes in Zanzibar. Issues of child protection and their
wellbeing have been considered in different sector policies, though in varying
aspects. For example, Education Policy of 2006 has largely engaged children
from the age of 4 who start their formal education i.e. pre-primary
education. However, this policy is silent on children less than 4 years.


2\. Justification

UNESCO Dar es Salaam is implementing the UN Joint project on ‘ Empowering
adolescent girls and young women through education in Tanzania’, part of
which intends to strengthen the national capacity to develop and implement
Life Skills including ECCE/ECD and parental education. This is in line with
SDG 4; to ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early
childhood development, care and pre-primary education so that they are ready
for primary education by 2030. It is within this context that UNESCO is
planning to support the Ministry of Labour Empowerment, Elders, Women and
Children MLEEWC in Zanzibar to develop ECD regulations to guide
registration, operationalization and monitoring of Preschools, Day Care
Centres and Crèches. The activity will be implemented incollaboration with
UNICEF and other ECD stakeholders.

Child development is guided by various legal and regulatory frameworks
including but not limited to; Education Policy 2006, Zanzibar Population
Policy 2008, Child Protection Policy 2009 and Children’s Act No.6 of 2011.
Apart from having in place these regulatory frameworks, key documents
including ECD regulations, ECD guidelines, caregiver training manuals,
National M&E plan do not exist. Due to this gap there is a limited
understanding of the concept of ECD and its impact to optimal development of
the child, poor coordination mechanism among ECD stakeholders and hence poor
provision of ECD services.

To start with, ECD regulations for the provision of clear definition of
different ECD service providers, roles of the Ministry on inspection,
registration and monitoring of different ECD service providers will be
established. The regulations will also provide elaboration on the roles and
responsibilities of different ECD service providers, essential tools for
assessment and monitoring of ECD centres, and will set forth legal procedures
in case of violation of the regulations.Therefore competent specialized
individuals with extensive legal background and or experience on ECD and other
cross sectoral areas including education, child protection, nutrition, health,
water, sanitation and hygiene WASH in Tanzania are invited to submit
technical and financial proposal based on the following TORs.

Long Description

3\. Objective

The main objective of this assignment is to develop early childhood
development ECD regulations in Zanzibar.

In order to achieve the above objective, the following activities should be

1. a. Review existing ECD related documents including Zanzibar Children’s Act No.6 of 2011, the Tanzania Mainland ECD Regulations for Day Care Centers, Zanzibar Education Policy 2006, Zanzibar Health policy, Zanzibar Social Protection Policy2014 and its Implementation plan 2018-2022, Zanzibar Population Policy 2008, and the Zanzibar vision 2020.
2. b. Write the inception report which outlines understanding of the work, proposed outline of the regulations, detailed work plan, budget and data collection tools
3. c. Draft the proposed ECD regulations outline
4. d. Facilitate a 3 – days workshop to review the proposed outline and drafting the content for the regulations as per the agreed outline. Members of the ECD TWG will be invited
5. e. Conduct field visits for collection of views from stakeholders through in-depth interviews and FGDs
6. f. Write the draft Regulations by taking into considerations inputs from various stakeholders
7. g. Facilitate a 2 – days workshop to discuss the draft regulations with the MLEEWC and ECD TWG
8. h. Finalize the draft regulations by taking into considerations inputs from various stakeholders

COMPETENCIES Core / Managerial

Accountability C

Communication C

Innovation C

Knowledge sharing and continuous improvement C

Planning and organizing C

Results focus C

Teamwork C

Long Description

4\. Outputs/Deliverables

1. a. Inception report including a detailed work plan and implementation modality
2. b. 1st draft of the ECD Regulations
3. c. Final ECD Regulations in English
4. d. Progress report

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Closing Date 13th December, 2020.

Jobs in Dar es Salaam Tanzania Unesco Jobs in Dar es Salaam Consultant Jobs in Dar es Salaam at Unesco Consultant Employment opportunities Unesco

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