The Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) is a Government Agency established by Act of
Parliament No.11 of 1995 and became operational on 1st July, 1996. In carrying out its statutory functions, TRA is regulated by law and is responsible for administering impartially various taxes of the Central Government.
The major functions of the Tanzania Revenue Authority are; to assess, collect and account for all Central Government Revenue, administer effectively and efficiently all the revenue laws of the Central Government, advise the Government on all matters related to fiscal policy, promote voluntary tax compliance, improve the quality of services to the taxpayers, counteract fraud and other forms of tax evasion and to
produce trade statistics and publications. TRA’s vision is to increase Domestic Revenue through Enhancement of Voluntary
Tax Compliance and its mission is to make it easy to pay Tax and make lives better.

To ensure the correct declarations of both import and export entries and correct any anomalies and discrepancies which may affect Government revenue. Duties and Responsibilities
i. Control all goods being entered into the country;
ii. Control export and transit goods;
iii. Conduct documents checking;
iv. Verify information in refund claims;
v. Prepare enquiries and offence files;
vi. Check the classification of goods;
vii. Assess and value goods;
viii. Release goods after payment of duties;
ix. Prepare various returns for Customs & Excise Headquarters;
x. Provide information for preparation of Management reports (various);
xi. Conduct the physical verification of goods;
xii. Perform anti- smuggling patrols; and
xiii. Perform any other duties assigned by supervisor; Qualification and Experience
University Degree, Advanced Diploma either in Customs, Taxation, Economics, Finance, Business Administration, Law or its equivalent from a recognized Institution/University. Postgraduate Studies either in Taxation, Customs or its equivalent, and training in Security matters will be an added advantage.

(i) To conduct desk/field audits and report to tax auditors.
(ii) To collect Government revenue and implement enforcement procedures. Duties and Responsibilities
i. Conduct desk and field audits on presumption cases and other relevant areas;
ii. Assist in the preparation of action plans on a weekly and monthly basis;
iii. Conduct physical survey and Block management;
iv. Prepare weekly/monthly/quarterly/semi-annual and annual reports on
v. Conduct interviews for new taxpayers;
vi. Verify assessments manually or by using a computer;
vii. Prepare the tax positions for all taxpayers and arrears list;
viii. Conduct face vetting of application for tax exemptions/relief forms and
ix. Process additional taxes and interest certificates;
x. Conduct face vetting of tax returns;
xi. Prepare demand letters to tax defaulters;
xii. Impose collection penalties and follow up payments;
xiii. Vetting of motor vehicle registration documents;
xiv. Renew annual motor vehicle licenses, transfers of ownership motor vehicles and issue driving license; and
xv. Perform any other duties assigned by supervisor. Qualification and Experience
University Degree or Advanced Diploma either in Taxation, Finance, Accounting, Economics, Business Administration or a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) qualification or its equivalent from a recognized Institution/University. Postgraduate Studies either in Taxation, Customs or its equivalent will be an added advantage.

1.0.3 RESEARCH OFFICER – 2 POSTS Job Purpose
To prepare the input for the taxation, broader fiscal and macroeconomic policy formulation through researching and regularly assessing the impact of tax reforms Undertaken by the Government and analyzing of the internal tax performance. Duties and Responsibilities
Participate in design, management and execution of research projects;
Undertake relevant evaluation of macroeconomic and revenue performance; Supply the data necessary for tax analysis and performance measuring against the government budget and related aspects;
i. Maintain and update ordinary assignment files and working papers so they are readily available for future reference;
ii. Ensure that all research carried out by the team is fully incorporated in the legal and administrative aspect of taxation;
iii. Keep updated on local and international institutional arrangements and related areas and communicate them to colleagues;
iv. Preparation of quarterly macroeconomic performance reports;
v. Assist with the preparation of responses raised by parliament especially
during the budget session;
vi. Respond to taxpayers and other stakeholders questions/complaints; and
vii. Perform any other duties assigned by supervisor. Qualification and Experience
University Degree or Advanced Diploma either in Economics, Public Finance, Taxation, Statistics, Operational Research or its equivalent from a recognized Institution/University.
Postgraduate Studies or Masters Degree either in Economics, Public Finance, Taxation, Statistics, Operational Research, Taxation, Customs
and ability to use various Statistical and Research Software and Packages will be an added advantage.
Three (3) years of relevant working experience is required.

To provide human resources services to staff matters. Duties and responsibilities
i. Compile personnel particulars;
ii. Collect, analyze and present human resources statistics;
iii. Assist in staff welfare matters such as burial services and any other welfare matters required for members of staff;
iv. Assist in carrying out procedural matters regarding issuance of employee identity cards, human resources common used forms, introduction letters processing of application letters etc;
v. Assist in keeping and maintaining training records; and
vi. Perform any other duties assigned by supervisor. Qualification and Experience
University Degree or Advanced Diploma either in Business Administration, Sociology Human Resources, Public Administration or its equivalent from recognized Institution/University.
Relevant Postgraduate Studies or a Masters Degree or its equivalent from a
recognized Institution/University will be an added advantage.

To apply analytical skills to business requests and communicate these requests in a clear and unambiguous manner. It involves business need analysis, problems and opportunity identification and suggesting solutions to deliver actionable information to decision makers for better operational efficiency. Duties and Responsibilities
i. Responsible for gathering and analysis of business needs of the TRA,
identifying business problems and propose solutions;
ii. Responsible for business requirements gathering within TRA in a cost effective Manner;
iii. Responsible for modeling/mapping of TRA business processes and logics;
iv. Responsible for designing and implementing business user training and
v. Responsible for implementing business solution roll out in the entire
vi. Working very close with Data Warehouse project team in the process of
implementation of adaptability towards ever changing business logics and
process within TRA;
vii. To design and prepare traceability matrix in order to trace the requirements through each stage of requirement gathering in the DW project;
viii. To produce high quality documentation regarding business performance management report;
ix. Liaise with quality management system owners in the process of improving business processes and quality objectives; and
x. Report periodic business performance management status to the DW Project Team Leader. Qualification and Experience
University Degree or Advanced Diploma either in Information and Communications Technology, Computer Science, Systems Engineering, Statistics, Management Science or its equivalent from a recognized Institution/University. Knowledge of Business Processes Reengineering, implementation of client server and/ or web based application, Working knowledge of PCs, UNIX, Windows operating system and typical Windows applications will be an added advantage. Three (3) years relevant working experience is required.

1.0.6 INTERNAL AUDITOR – 1 POST Job Purpose
To review the adequacy of operational and administrative policies and procedures with the goal of providing an independent objective assurance and consulting service and contributing to the improvement of TRA operations. Duties and Responsibilities
i. Participate in the initial planning and preliminary survey of the audit of
ii. key activities, thus giving input to the audit plan and programme;
iii. Evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the internal control system;
iv. Conduct audit tests and procedures in compliance with the audit programme;
v. Compile work papers and reference them to the audit programme;
vi. Confirm audit findings with the audit customer;
vii. Prepare audit findings data sheets and time reports;
viii. Recommend corrective measures when appropriate;
ix. Perform special investigation assignments (non routine audit;
x. Perform any other duties assigned by supervisor; Qualifications and Experience
University Degree or Advanced Diploma either in Finance, Accounting, Information Systems, Business Administration or its equivalent from a recognized Institution/University. Registered with the National Board for Auditors and Accountants (NBAA) as ACPA or FCPA. OR a holder of ACCA, CISA or CIA, and must be trained in Computer Assisted Audit Techniques (CAATS). Postgraduate Studies or Masters Degree either in Taxation, Customs or its equivalent will be an added advantage. Three (3) years of relevant working experience is required.

To conduct both reactive and proactive special investigations on the allegations levelled against staff members. Duties and Responsibilities
i. Plan the investigation procedures and steps to be adopted, and draw out plans for approval;
ii. Perform risk measurement and analysis for drawing active investigation plans;
iii. Conduct the fieldwork on the basis of the approved plan;
iv. Hold interviews and discussions with parties considered necessary;
v. Review operating systems and procedures and make appropriate
vi. Interrogate staff or any other person in order to collect evidence and review its sufficiency, relevance and reliability;
vii. Compile evidence and review its sufficiency, relevance and reliability;
viii. Wrap up the investigation files and work papers;
ix. Conclude the investigations by issuing a draft report on investigation findings and recommendation of measures to be taken by Management for subsequent review by Audit Manager;
x. Perform routine audits on management’s request; and
xi. Perform any other duties assigned by supervisor. Qualification and Experience
University Degree or Advanced Diploma either in Taxation, Customs, Finance Accounting, Law, Information Systems, Business Management, Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or its equivalent from a recognized Institution/University. Relevant Postgraduate Studies, Masters Degree or its equivalent from a recognized Institution/University or CISA, CIA, CAATS, Corporate, Governance, Investigation Ethics or Risk Assessment will be an added advantage. Three (3) years of relevant working experience is required.

To assist in processing of payments to staff and suppliers as per TRA Financial Regulations and in compliance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Duties and Responsibities
i. Prepare invoices, payment vouchers and receipts in the expenditure
accounting system;
ii. Check arithmetic accuracy of the staff retirement forms;
iii. Register the printed payment vouchers;
iv. Generate payments and print system cheques;
v. Arrange payment vouchers and file them in ascending order of disbursement numbers;
vi. Review the work of Accounts Technician; and
vii. Perform any other duties assigned by supervisor. Qualifications and Experience.
University Degree or Advanced Diploma either in Finance, Business Administration or its equivalent from a recognized Institution/University.

To strengthen supervision of the Customs preventive operations. Duties and Responsibities
i. Board and rummage vessels;
ii. Prevent and control the importation of prohibited and restricted goods;
iii. Perform preventive duties at ports, seaports gates, customs warehouse,
transit stations and dry ports;
iv. Perform gangway duties on ship and aircrafts;
v. Guard and escort goods under customs controls;
vi. Prepare patrols reports; and
vii. Perform any other duties assigned by supervisor. Qualifications and Experience
Diploma either in Taxation, Law, Business Administration, Accountancy or its Equivalent. Short courses either in Customs, Tax issues, or relevant training in security matters is an added advantage.

1.0.11 CUSTOMS ASSISTANT – 3 POSTS Job Purpose
To ensure that the information provided by declaring subjects/importers are in accordance with the physical verification reports. Duties and Responsibilities
i. Examine goods;
ii. Enter the Data into the System (ASYCUDA ++);
iii. Maintain field records in the system (ASYCUDA ++);
iv. Release goods when physical verification conforms;
v. Keep records and maintain documents;
vi. Check transit documents and shipping orders for bond cancellations; and
vii. Perform any other duties assigned by supervisor. Qualifications and Experience.
Diploma either in Taxation, Law, Business Administration, Accountancy or its equivalent from a recognized Institution. Training in Customs and Taxation issues will be an added advantage.

1.0.12 TAX ASSISTANT – 31 POSTS Job Purpose
(i) To issue tax returns, process returns and assessments into the computer.
(ii) To prepare daily collection reports Duties and Responsibilities
i. Process tax returns, raise assessments and other forms into the
ii. Register the taxpayers and open files;
iii. Link mails and returns in taxpayers (folders);
iv. Trace taxpayers’ files;
v. List non-filers/nil-filers/late filers/repayment filers and forward the list to the Supervisor;
vi. Prepare tax clearance certificates, registration of MVs, issuance of MV annual licenses, issuance & renewal of drivers’ licenses;
vii. Prepare stand over orders for tax objection cases; and
viii. Perform any other duties assigned by the supervisor. Qualification and Experience.
Diploma either in Taxation, Finance, Accountancy, Business Administration or its equivalent qualification from a recognized Institution. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN – 1 POST Job Purpose
To attend to library users requests and to maintain order in the library Duties and Responsibilities
i. Cataloging and classify library materials;
ii. Preparing library membership card and issue them to Members of institute who applied for;
iii. Shelving new library materials after cataloguing, classifying, stumping,
labeling, assigning back codes and entering them into data base;
iv. Assisting in giving orientation to new library user especially new students;
v. Guiding students and academic staff in searching materials as some may find hardships;
vi. Participate fully in providing adequate services in line with ITA Library rules; and
vii. Perform any other duties assigned by Supervisor. Qualifications and Experience
University Degree or Advanced Diploma in Librarianship or its equivalent from a recognized Institution/University. Relevant Postgraduate Studies, Masters Degree or its equivalent from a recognized Institution/University will be an added advantage.

1.0.13 SECRETARY – 9 POSTS Job Purpose
To perform various Secretarial Duties to the Head / Deputy Head of
Department/Manager Duties and Responsibilities
i. Receive, interview and accordingly direct visitors;
ii. Type letters, minutes, various documents and reports;
iii. Handle confidential and sensitive information;
iv. Ensure that office working tools are in good order;
v. Receive and make telephone calls;
vi. Maintain a register detailing records for incoming and outgoing mails and files;
vii. Communicate information by typing, sending and receiving emails/faxes;
viii. Keep diaries and make appointments for and on behalf of the Head / Deputy Head of Department;
ix. Organize and follow up on travel and related logistics for meetings, field visits, and any other programmes of the Head / Deputy Head of Department;
x. Process, file, sort and retrieve information; and
xi. Perform any other duties assigned by supervisor.

1.0.13. 4 Qualification and Experience
Diploma either in Secretarial Studies, Computer Studies or equivalent qualifications from recognized institution who have passed Shorthand (English) and Hati Mkato (Kiswahili) at a speed of 80 words per minute with computer knowledge in MS-Word, MS-Excel, Internet, Email, MS-Publisher from a recognized institution.

To assist in maintaining the registry in an orderly manner for efficient performance of the related work. Duties and Responsibilities
i. Register incoming and outgoing mail;
ii. Control movement of files;
iii. File the letters and other documents;
iv. Bring up the files to the respective staff for action;
v. Retrieve the files from the staff for filing of incoming mail;
vi. Take stock of the files kept by staff;
vii. Open and close files;
viii. Assist in supervision of out sourced catering services;
ix. Accounts for the stamps used for postage of letters; and
x. Perform any other duties assigned by supervisor. Qualification and Experience
Diploma either in Records Management, Archives or equivalent qualifications from recognized institution. Six (6) months of experience in Records Management is required.

1.0.15 DRIVER – 15 POSTS Job Purpose
Safely driving TRA’s Motor Vehicles and conduct deliveries. Duties and Responsibilities
i. Carry out a daily inspection of the vehicle and ensure safe driving;
ii. Maintain the car log book by recording all trips and fuel consumption;
iii. Prepare fuel, oil and car logbook returns for the vehicle;
iv. Report to the supervisor any vehicle defects that need repairs;
v. Distribution of internal and external mails; and
vi. Perform any other duties assigned by supervisor; Qualification and Experience
Form IV, Clean Driving License– Class E/C1, Advanced Driving (VIP Drivers course), Motor Vehicle Driving Certificate from a recognized Institution. Two (2) years of experience in driving experience is required.

1.0.16 RECEPTIONIST – 1 POST Job Purpose
To attend visitors and make sure that they are directed to the respective offices. Duties and Responsibilities
i. Attend and register to all visitors by directing them to the respective offices;
ii. Ensure that the reception area is clean and tidy all times;
iii. Assist visitors and take messages where necessary;
iv. Forward messages to appropriate offices;
v. Report any bad events occurring in his/her place of work; and
vi. Perform any other duties assigned by supervisor. Qualification and Experience
Form VI, Certificate in Front Office Management or any relevant qualification from a
recognized institution. Six (6) months of experience in a large organization,
Experience in customer care, front office management skills will be an added advantage.

NB: All TRA Applicants must possess six key competences below;-
i. Leadership and Team Building;
ii. Strategic Focus and Managing Change;
iii. Managing Performance and Accountability;
iv. Problem Solving and Decision Making;
v. Integrity; and
vi. Computer Literacy.

i. All applicants must be Citizens of Tanzania of not more than 45 years of age except for those who are in public service and where specified otherwise.
ii. Applicants must attach an up-to-date Curriculum Vitae (CV) having reliable contacts; postal address/post code, e-mail and telephone numbers;
iii. Applicants should apply on the strength of the information given in this
iv. Applicants must attach their certified copies of certificates as required for each post to include;
 Postgraduate/Degree/Advanced Diploma/Diploma/Certificates;
 Postgraduate/Degree/Advanced Diploma/Diploma transcripts;
 Form IV and Form VI National Examination Certificates;
 And Birth certificate
v. Attaching copies of the following certificates is strictly not accepted
 Form IV and form VI results slips;
 Testimonials and all Partial transcripts.
vi. Applicants employed in the Public Service should route their application
letters through their respective employers;
vii. Applicants who have/were retired from the Public Service for whatever reason should not apply;
viii. Applicants should indicate three reputable referees with their reliable contacts;
ix. Certificates from foreign examination bodies for Ordinary or Advanced level education should be verified by The National Examination Council of
Tanzania (NECTA) and National Council for Technical Education
x. Certificates from Foreign Universities should be verified by The Tanzania
Commission for Universities (TCU);
xi. Applicants with special needs/case (disability) are supposed/advised to
xii. A signed application letters should be written either in Swahili or English and Addressed to;
Presidents Office, Public Service Recruitment Secretariat,
8 Kivukoni Road,
P.O. Box 63100,
11404 Dar es Salaam.
xiii. Deadline for application is 30th January, 2019 and;
xiv. Only short listed candidates will be informed on a date for interview;
xv. Presentation of forged certificates and other information will necessitate to legal action;



NOTE: All applications must be sent through Recruitment Portal by using the following address; and not otherwise(This address also can be found at PSRS Website, Click ‘Recruitment Portal’

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