Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) – Developing Gender Policy Briefs for the
Accountability and Fulfilment for Older Persons to Raise their Dignity (AFFORD II) Programme


HelpAge International ( is the secretariat to the HelpAge Global Network, which brings together a wide range of organisations and individuals working together to ensure that older people lead dignified, active, healthy and secure lives. HelpAge International’s secretariat is based in London, UK but works in 41 countries across the world. HelpAge has more than 30 years of experience working with and for older people. The organization has been designated the global focal point on ageing by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee and UN OCHA.

 Background for Gender and Social Protection policy briefs

HelpAge international is running a 5-year programme (2017-2021) on social protection funded by Irish Aid and implemented in 4 countries namely; Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania. The project focuses on social protection and social accountability. The project’s aim is to ensure older women and men in the targeted countries lead dignified, secure and resilient lives, and that all their entitlements are reflected in national and international policies. The AFFORD II project targets on eradicating poverty, reduction of inequalities, and inclusion and social accountability. The interventions implemented by the project are intended to connect community-based actions with policy influencing so as to improve social protection and health care services for older people as well as changes in the behaviour and attitudes of individuals and societies towards older persons. Gender equality programming is core for HelpAge international and central in this programme as well.

At the start of the programme, a gender analysis was undertaken in all the 4 countries where the programme is being implemented, the analysis raised critical issues that have informed HelpAge in adapting the programme to be more gender responsive. In addition, the report brings out very useful information for policy influencing both at county and regional levels.

Justification for Gender Policy brief

HelpAge intends to produce a more robust and synthesised country specific Gender Policy briefs for each of the countries informed by existing gender analysis reports and other HelpAge gender research reports. In addition, the consultant is expected to produce a regional policy briefs that amalgamates common and crosscutting gender issues, the regional brief is intended for regional level influencing work targeting ECOSOC, AU, and other subregional bodies.

How to apply:
You are invited to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) for carrying out this assignment to with the subject line: Developing Gender Policy Briefs for the Accountability and Fulfilment for Older Persons to Raise their Dignity by: 9th August, 2019.
Apply Online Through


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Job City Ethiopia,Malawi,Mozambique,United Republic of Tanzania

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