About Aga Khan Foundation (AKF)
The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) is a private, non-denominational, international development
agency promoting creative and effective solutions to selected problems that impede social and economic development in parts of Africa and Asia. AKF-Tanzania is part of the AKF-East Africa regional structure that supports programmes in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.

Background and Rationale

The Government of Tanzania and partners are developing the ‘Satellite Centre’ model through a consultative process cumulating in guidelines for pre-primary satellite centres. Within this context, AKF is implementing the Elimu Bora project, which supports government’s efforts by demonstrating the application of contextualised, cost-effective and high-quality community based and satellite school models in geographically and socioeconomically marginalised communities. A key aim of this pilot project is to generate learning and good practices of community-level pre-primary education that will inform and improve national implementation of community-level pre-primary education in Tanzania (Zanzibar and Mainland).

Research Objectives
The Elimu Bora project is designed to enable the Ministry of Education and the Madrasa Early Childhood Programme – Zanzibar (MECP-Z) to turn the theoretical costed model into a practical and replicable model in Kilwa and Zanzibar. This study will directly support the above-mentioned objective.

The key research question is:

· What are the principal factors that contribute to and inhibit the success of sustainable satellite and community based pre-primary education models?**

In an attempt to address the question above, the study is expected to provide a detailed account of factors for the successes/failure, limitations and challenges of each model, with a specific view to examine their feasibility and sustainability within socio-economically marginalized or resource-constrained communities in both geographies (Zanzibar and Kilwa). The research must analyse the underlying drivers of these factors (i.e. what is driving each factor and who is the key stakeholder in driving it?). Given that the models have their differences, the research will need to identify what each model can learn from the other to further improve delivery. The key lessons from the two geographies of the project are expected to be widely applicable for remote and marginalised communities in other resource-constrained contexts within and outside of Tanzania.

The Elimu Bora project has based its implementation plan in Kilwa on the Government of Tanzania’s Satellite School Guidelines (still in draft). Part of this research will be to look at the guidelines against Elimu Bora implementation and make recommendations accordingly.

The results of the research will inform the Governments of Tanzania and Zanzibar on scalable models for pre-primary education at the community level. A costing analysis of the model(s) will form part of the analysis, report and policy brief.

Scope of Work
The proposed research will span for a period up to six months including one field visit. While the details of the methodology will be worked out with AKF and the selected consultant(s), we envisage a field visit of about 2-3 weeks, targeting approximately 8-10 schools (4-5 in each Zanzibar and Kilwa) plus key stakeholders’ meetings in Dar es Salaam and both geographies.

The consultant will work in close collaboration with the Education Program Manager and MERL teams of AKF and MECP-Z, under the guidance of the MERL Manager to ensure smooth and efficient delivery of the following tasks:

Inception and Planning: Review of TORs, proposed methodology, timelines and fieldwork planning in consultation with AKF-T and MECP-Z
Develop the Study Protocol and process research clearance from relevant authorities in both Zanzibar and Tanzania mainland.
Document Review: Undertake desk review of key project and other related documents[1] to understand the project’s objectives, indicators and the context within which the project is operating.
Design data collection tools and undertake data collection in consultation with AKFT and MECP-Z.
Data Analysis and Reporting: Develop a data analysis plan, carry out the analysis using the appropriate tools, interpret and summarize findings in a concise and presentable manner. Based on the analysis, a detailed report, that meets professional level standards will be prepared to communicate findings to a wide range of stakeholders, both internally and externally.
Presentation of findings. The researcher will present findings of the study in a face-to-face manner to stakeholders in a meeting(s) prepared by AKF and MECP-Z. Comments provided during this stakeholder meeting will be incorporated in the final report. A shorter 2-page policy brief should accompany the final report.

Key Deliverables
The Consultant will submit the following as outputs:

Detailed inception report, clearly indicating their understanding of the context, study methodology, proposed data collection tools and proposed scope of literature review/document analysis, research permit and ethical clearance, data analysis and costing plan and reporting guidelines. The draft inception report MUST be submitted to AKF for review and approval at least 10 working days before the commencement of the fieldwork.
Develop a research proposal and plan with dully filled research permit application form and submit them for ethical clearance from responsible authorities in Zanzibar and Tanzania mainland.
Fieldwork plan with specific dates and duration including training data collectors, data collection. A portion of the fieldwork should also be conducted with key national-level stakeholders.
Debrief meeting with AKF and MECP-Z at the end of the fieldwork
The draft report to be submitted to AKF and MECP-Z in soft copy by 15th December 2019.
The final report and policy brief to be submitted to AKF and MECPZ in both soft and hard copies by 30thJanuary 2020.

Qualifications and Experience Required
AKF is seeking a competent and experienced researcher with extensive knowledge of Early Childhood Education (ECE) approaches, methods and practices, ideally in Tanzania, to undertake this qualitative study. The consultant may be a person, a team of individuals or a firm, with the following minimum requirements:

The principal investigator must have at least a master’s degree in education, sociology, psychology or related discipline (PhD preferred) and at least eight years of professional experience in conducting qualitative studies in the education sector. Preference will be given to consultants with relevant experience in Tanzania and/or in the East Africa Region.
Expert knowledge of Early Childhood Education (ECE) and/or pre-primary educational research and policy in Tanzania.
Demonstrated command of qualitative research methods, including data collection, data analysis and report writing (sample work required).

Application Procedure
All interested applicants must submit the following documents in a folder, to Aga Khan Foundation Tanzania through email to akftzprocurement@akfea.org by 21st August 2019. Please mention the title of the consultancy in your email subject. The selection will be based on technical evaluation & financial proposal in the ratio of 70:30, respectively.

i. A detailed proposal, describing their understanding of the assignment, study approach and methods and analysis framework and detailed work plans

ii. A detailed financial proposal indicating all expenses associated with task and professional fees

iii. The applicants’ relevant experience on similar assignments clearly outlining their relevant experience in studies related to the subject; including competencies in qualitative data collection, analysis and reporting. If a team of consultants are submitting, CVs for each member of the team should be included.

iv. For a consultancy firm, copies of relevant legal documents mandating existence and operations such as Registration Certificates, Business license and Tax Certificates will be required.

v. Two samples of relevant previous work demonstrating both technical and theoretical competency undertaking qualitative research of a similar nature.

APply Online Through

Email: akftzprocurement@akfea.org 

For further details of the requirement, kindly contact akftzprocurement@akfea.org or visit our office address AGA KHAN FOUNDATION , Plot 37 | Haile Selassie Road | Oysterbay, P.O. Box 125, Dar- es – Salaam, Tanzania .

Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Applications without all relevant documents will not be considered.
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