Jobs in Eac Tanzania Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization Jobs in Eac Project Accounts Assistant- G5 Jobs in Eac at Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization Project Accounts Assistant- G5 Employment opportunities Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization


The Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization LVFO is a specialized institution
of the East African Community EAC whose mandate is to coordinate the
management and development of fisheries and aquaculture resources in the EAC
region. The LVFO Secretariat is stationed in Jinja, Uganda.

E€OFISH programm

LVFO received a grant from the European Union EU to implement -Contribution
of Sustainable Fisheries to the Blue Economy of the Eastern Africa, Southern
Africa and the Indian Ocean Region – ECOFISH programme. The overall objective
is to enhance equitable economic growth by promoting sustainable fisheries in
the East African- South African-Indian Ocean EA-SA-IO region. The specific
objective is to support sustainable management and development of fisheries,
while addressing climate change resilience and enhancing marine biodiversity
The programme purpose is to support the implementation of fisheries management
interventions on Lake Victoria.

TRUE FISH project

LVFO has further received funding from EU through FAO to implement the
TRUEFISH project. The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the
development of a competitive, gender equitable and sustainable commercial
aquaculture sector in order to support economic development and sustainable
management of natural resources in the Lake Victoria basin. The project will
deliver three result areas which include BUSINESS access to commercial
networks, SKILLS availability and quality of local skilled workers in
aquaculture-related businesses and SUSTAINABILITY sustainable and bio-secure
regional aquaculture production systems.

It is against this background that the LVFO Secretariat is recruiting staff to
support the implementation of the two programmes.

Summary positions

This is an exciting opportunity for highly motivated and result-driven
professionals who are citizens of the LVFO Partner States The Republics of
Burundi, Kenya, Uganda and The United Republic of Tanzania to apply for the
following positions tenable at the LVFO Secretariat stationed
in Jinja, Uganda namely;


-->Project Accounts Assistant- G5 LVFO/E€OFISH/ HR/2020/02- Re advertised

All previous applicants are required to re-apply electronically for the re-
advertised positions using the LVFO Online Application System.

To download the detailed job adverts including the required qualifications,
professional experience, duties and responsibilities, terms and conditions of
service plus indicative remuneration, please visit the LVFO website – under the link; ‘Opportunities -> Employment’.

Send your Application to


Interested candidates who meet the qualification and experience requirements
for the above-mentioned positions are advised to submit their applications
electronically by following the Online Application Procedures as detailed on
the LVFO Website **[ ]http// ** under the link
‘Opportunities -> Employment’

Should you encounter technical difficulties in submitting your electronic
application, please send an email, before the deadline date, with a precise
description of the issue and/or a screenshot showing the problem to the email
** **

Applications should be submitted not later than 3 September 2020 at 1700hours
Local time.

The Executive Secretary Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization LVFO Busoga
Square Plot No. 7B/E Bell Avenue P. O. Box 1625, Jinja – Uganda.

Email ****

Tel +256 434 125000 Website ** **

Jobs in Eac Tanzania Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization Jobs in Eac Project Accounts Assistant- G5 Jobs in Eac at Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization Project Accounts Assistant- G5 Employment opportunities Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization

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