EngenderHealth in Tanzania supports the Ministry of Health Community Development
Gender Elderly and Children (MOHCGEC) in the Mainland and Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MOHSW) in Zanzibar to increase access to quality reproductive health services. Currently the organization is implementing projects that focus on increasing access to quality family planning (FP) with emphasis on long acting reversible and permanent (LARC/PM) methods; comprehensive Post Abortion Care (cPAC) and PAC/FP; prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) and Gender based Violence (GBV) and Violence against children (VAC).  EngenderHealth has received funding from LAD to partner with MOHCGEC and MOHSW to expand and strengthen PAC services at district hospitals, health centres, and dispensaries, with an emphasis on ensuring availability of LARC services and referrals for PMs in two regions in Mainland Tanzania (Arusha and Dodoma), Unguja and Pemba in Zanzibar to  strengthen and expand PAC and PAC FP services in Zanzibar, including ensuring the availability of LARCs and referrals for permanent methods (PMs).

Family Planning Technical Advisor
Human Resources Intern
Program Officer FP/RH
Program Officer FP/RH
Senior Clinical Manager
Youth Advisor

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