The Muslim University of Morogoro (MUM) invites applications from suitably qualified and
competent Tanzanians applicants to fill the following vacant posts.

1. Health Laboratory Scientist (2 Posts)


Holder of Bachelor Degree or Advanced diploma in Medical Laboratory Sciences with a minimum GPA of 3.5 out of 5.
Should be registered by Medical Laboratory Council.
 Computer literacy and ability to teach. 

Tutoring medical laboratory sciences certificate and diploma students.
Preparing and conducting laboratory activities.
Maintaining laboratory apparatus and equipment.
Write teaching manuals and compendia.
Supervise field practical and
Performing any other related duties as may be assigned by relevant Authorities.

2. Medical Laboratory Technologist (1 Posts)

Holder of Diploma (NTA level 6) in Medical Laboratory Sciences from any recognize institutions.
Should be registered by Medical Laboratory Council.
Computer literacy and ability to teach. 


Able to prepare and conduct practical in all section i.e parasitology, microbiology, clinical chemistry etc.
Tutoring medical laboratory sciences Level 4 and 5 students.
Preparing and conducting laboratory activities.
Maintaining laboratory apparatus and equipment.
Write teaching manuals and compendia.
Supervise field practical and
Performing any other related duties as may be assigned by relevant Authorities. 

3. Academic Librarian (1 Posts)

You will be responsible for acquiring, organizing, managing and distributing library resources, and ensuring that library provision meets the needs of all its users. You will be responsible for providing support to academic departments of the University e.g. teaching Information Literacy.

Master’s Degree in Library & Information Science/ Management with at least a GPA of 4.0 out of 5 and a minimum of 3.5 out of 5 or its equivalent in the First Degree.


Selecting, developing, cataloguing and classifying library resources
Answering readers’ enquiries
 Using library systems and specialist computer applications
Management of staff, including recruitment, training and/or supervisory duties
 Liaising with departmental academic staff, external organisations and suppliers
Ensuring that library services meet the needs of particular groups of users (eg staff, postgraduate students, disabled students)
Managing budgets and resources
Supporting independent research and learning
Developing IT facilities
Assisting readers to use computer equipment, conduct literature searches etc
Promoting the library’s resources to users.
You will be required to teach some courses in Library and Information Science from Certificate, Diploma to Degree level. 

4. Assistant Librarian (1 Posts)
You will be responsible for acquiring, organizing, managing and distributing library resources, and ensuring that library provision meets the needs of all its users. You will be responsible for providing support to academic departments of the University e.g. teaching Information Literacy.

Degree or Diploma in Library & Information Science/ Management/ Archive Documentation.

Selecting, developing, cataloguing and classifying library resources
Answering readers’ enquiries
Using library systems and specialist computer applications
Management of staff, including recruitment, training and/or supervisory duties
Liaising with departmental academic staff, external organizations and suppliers
Ensuring that library services meet the needs of particular groups of users (eg staff, postgraduate students, disabled students)
Managing budgets and resources
Supporting independent research and learning
Promoting the library’s resources to users.
You will be required to teach some courses in Library and Information Science from Certificate to Diploma level.

TERMS: Permanent\ Contract.
SALARY: As per MUM Salary scale.

Apply Online Through

E: copy to

All applications should be addressed to The Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic), P.O. Box 1031, Morogoro, Tanzania and/or at copy to not later than 16th March 2019. The application letter should be attached with certified copies of certificates and transcripts i.e. Form IV, Form VI, Diploma, Bachelor, Birth certificate, Curriculum vitae and TCU verification for those who studied abroad. Candidates must also give names, contact addresses as well as mobile numbers of at least two referees.

 All positions above require excellent communications, in spoken and written English
 Only short listed candidates will be contacted through their addresses and/ or mobile numbers for an interview.

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