Consultant Jobs in Dar es Salaam Tanzania Swisscontact Jobs in Dar es Salaam Tanzania Consultant Jobs in Dar es Salaam at Swisscontact

Job Summary

1\. Introduction Skills for Employment Tanzania SET is a skills development
Programme in Tanzania being implemented under the assistance from the Swiss
Development Cooperation with an allocation of 5.3 million CHF for phase one
for a five-year period that started in May 2019 The main aim of the programme
is to support skills development in both formal and informal sectors. These
Terms of Reference ToR are meant for SET component 3 which aims to support
skills development of youth and young mothers in the informal sector through
capacity building of 25 Training Providers TPs located in Morogoro Region.
The geographical focus of the component 3 is in the five 5 districts of the
Morogoro region.

In phase I, the SET programme seeks to improve the capacity of TPs in
different areas including managerial, fundraising and training of trainers
ToT. These were identified as areas that needed critical support during
baseline studies. The financial management capacity of the TPs was an area
pinpointed by TPs that it needs special attention and capacity building which
will include financial management, control, accounting and procurement
systems. SET is organizing the training for finance, non-finance managers and
TPs management team in a bid to enhance budget preparation and tracking, tax
policies and taxation, procurement management accounting procedures and
policies. By the ToR, SET is seeking to hire an individual resource person or
a consulting company who will successfully deliver this training hence realize
the objectives stated herein.

Job Description

2. Objectives of Assignment:
The purpose of the training is to improve financial programming of TPs staff
members to be accurately aware of how their decisions and project performance
impacts the financial strength of the organization. This training will also
help TPs to improve their financial management, planning and control
capacities. The assignment in this ToR is divided into two major areas that
include supporting development of conflict of interest policies and subsequent
financial management training to TPs. The consultant will provide a written
training plan and content including presentations for each main topic.

Specific objectives:
a Plan organize and conduct training courses for relevant officials of 24 TPs
public and private providers on different aspects of financial management as
describe under the scope of work SoW.
b To provide financial knowledge necessary to make better financial
decisions, planning, control and forecasting for TPs.
c Support development of conflict of interest policies for 10 private
d Provide the necessary training materials for all the training.

3. Scope of work SoW:
The financial consultant will provide support to SET programme to facilitate
financial management capacity building to TPs to ensure availability of
adequate resources and management of donor funds. The main tasks under this
assignment are to support capacity building of the TPs in the areas identified
as weak in the baseline assessment. The specific tasks of the financial
consultant will include:
Develop financial management training for sustainable organizations and other
topics including;
a Support the review of TPs conflict of interest policies, support
improvement and
development of new policies for 10 training providers.
b Training on Tanzania tax policies, regulations and other legal environment
in which NGOs
and public Agricultural training providers operates
c Present different planning tools, auditing procedures and standard
procedures in
accounting; organization effectiveness and accountability; essentials of
financial planning
including practical sessions and case studies
d Offer quality advice on possible ways of sustaining TPs financial
resources, financial
resources building blocks, tips for making TPs work effective and general
rules for effective
accountability, role of internal control policies and procedures
e Support and guide TPs staff in proper ways for monitoring their budget, NGO
frameworks including standard reporting tools, and importance of financial

4. Duration and Placement:
A total of 7 working days have been allocated for this assignment which will
include a three days’ workshop, and material preparation as well as report
writing. The consultant will suggest how the days will be split between the
two assignments.

5. Deliverables:
The consultancy is expected to deliver the following outputs:

-->Undertake training of 50 TPs on financial management in accordance with these ToR
-->Presentation slides and other training facilitation materials presented prior to training
-->Prepare a written training report including suggested areas for further support submitted to the deputy Team Leader
-->Develop conflict of interest policies for 10 TPs

6. Required Qualification:

The external consultant must meet the following qualification requirements:

-->Profound knowledge and experience in financial management training for NGOs and public entities
-->Proven experience in donor funded projects and Call for Proposal CFP processes.
-->Proven experience in fundraising and proposal writing, including gender responsive budgeting.
-->Excellent report writing abilities
-->Fluency in the following languages: English and Swahili.

7. Administrative Clauses:

-->The following requirements are all to be observed. A detailed CV and/or company profile with previous clients references for similar assignments.
-->Financial proposal showing the daily rate in Tanzanian Shillings TZS;
-->The payment of the fees is subject to the deliverables outlined under point 3, point 5 and approval by the SET programme.

_SET_ reserves the right not to choose the lowest financial offer. The
selection will be based on an overall assessment of the proposal.

Apply Online Now



The consultant is requested to forward their proposal under the attention of
SET Deputy Team Leader Paul Medeye **** not
later than the 19 June 2020 at 2 pm Tanzanian time.

Consultant Jobs in Dar es Salaam Tanzania Swisscontact Jobs in Dar es Salaam Tanzania Consultant Jobs in Dar es Salaam at Swisscontact

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