Room to Read is a non-governmental, non-religious organization
work in partnership with government, communities, local NGOs and community based organizations to implement programs seeks to transform the lives of millions of children in developing countries by focusing on literacy and gender equality in education, Working in collaboration with local communities, partner organizations and governments, we develop literacy skills and a habit of reading among primary school children, and support girls to complete secondary school with the relevant life skills to succeed in school and beyond.

With funding from USAID, and in partnership with Research Triangle Institute (RTI), Room To Read will be working with the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MoEVT) in Tanzania Mainland and the Zanzibar Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (Z/MoEVT) and in coordination with the President's Office - Regional.

Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG), to implement Reading and Writing material development for Tusome Pamoja Project. The project will contribute to the national effort to improve learning outcomes by focusing investments in five regions, consisting of 34 districts; and reaching 1.4 million Tanzanian children in class 1-4.

Room to Read will provide technical assistance to the project to develop instructional and learning materials for reading and writing for standards 1-4 to implement the 3Rs strategy for improving reading, writing, and arithmetic learning in early grades. It will develop, design and publish Kiswahlli teaching and learning materials for early grade reading and writing. The Tusome Pamoja continues the US Government's (USG's) support to the Government of Tanzania's (GOT's) efforts to implement this educational reform on a national scale. To ensure that project materials are of high quality and contextualized, we are looking for competent, self- driven, knowledgeable individual consultants to fill the following positions, to drive mission of Tusome Pamoja Project.

Overview of Main Roles and Responsibilities

1. Curriculum Developers - (Two positions)

Length on Contract (16 months)

The Curriculum developers will:
• Review, update and refine the scopes and sequences for the production of early grade decodable and leveled texts for grades one and two
• Write, Review, update and refine decodable and leveled Kiswahili story books
• Develop and finalize decodable and leveled readers in Kiswahili for grades one and two.
• Develop and finalize individual student readers for grades three and four with grade appropriate fiction and non- fiction text.
• Develop accompanying teachers' guides for reading.
• Develop student writing journals with pre-printed prompts aligned with TIE's writing frameworks and syllabi.
• Develop and update handwriting notebooks for grade one students with manuscript print.
• Develop accompanying teachers' guides for writing.
• Complete timesheets and submit them to supervisor every month correctly and on time.

• Participate in all required Tusome Pamoja meetings, workshops, and reviews.


2. Illustrators - (Six Positions)

Length on Contract (12 months)

• The illustrators will:
• Illustrate all materials developed by the Curriculum Developers (decodable and leveled texts for grades 1 and 2, student readers for grades 3 and 4, teacher's guides, and student writing journals).
• Illustrate the pre-primary teaching and learning materials for pre-primary students and teachers (RTI will provide the content)
• Illustrate the required arithmetic materials for the individual student kits (RTI will provide the content);
• Illustrate accompanying teachers' guides for arithmetic (RTI will provide the content)
• Complete timesheets and submit them to supervisor every month correctly and on time.

• Participate in all required Tusome Pamoja meetings, workshops, and reviews.


3. Graphic Designers - (Two positions)

Length on Contract (12 months)

The Graphic Designers will:

• Design and layout all materials developed by the Curriculum Developers (decodable and leveled texts for grades 1 and 2, student readers for grades 3 and 4, teacher's guides, and student writing journals).
• Design and layout the pre-primary teaching and learning materials for pre-primary students and teachers (RTI will provide the content)
• Design and layout the required arithmetic materials for the individual student kits (RTI will provide the content);
• Design and layout accompanying teachers' guides for arithmetic (RTI will provide the content)
• Complete timesheets and submit them to supervisor every month correctly and on time.
• Participate in all required Tusome Pamoja meetings, workshops, and reviews.

Application Instructions

Please send a cover letter and resume by email.with position name in the subject title through or send by post to the

Country Director,
Room to Read Tanzania,
Ileje Street,
Mikocheni B,
Plot No 36,
P.O. Box 105459,
Dar es Salaam,

Only shortlisted will be contacted. If you do not hear from Room to Read within one month of the closing date, please accept that your application-was unsuccessful. Please note that late applications will not be considered and correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only.
Room to Read is proud to be an equal opportunity employer committed to identifying and developing the skills and leadership of people from diverse backgrounds.
 CLOSING DATE 25th November, 2016

Source: The Guardian 15 November, 2016