Closing date: 5.00pm Friday 2nd December 2016

Monitoring & Evaluation Assistant Coordinator - Restless Development

Salary: TSH 20,862,197 gross per annum
Location: Dar es Salaam
We champion the engagement, position, and ultimately the influence of young people at every stage of development. Since 1993, we have been applying our experience to engage young people and young professionals at all levels of our organization to lead change. Our unique youth-led approach has been cited for best practice and won awards from the Stars Foundation, World Bank, UNAIDS, and most recently the 2014 Resolve Award for Mabinti Tushike Hatamu.
We are now embarking on an exciting new programme of work funded by USAID working with PACT and other consortium partners called C2EYP – Caring for Children and Empowering Young People program. This programme focuses on OVC (orphans and vulnerable children) care and support, HIV services, violence prevention and response, early childhood and adolescent development, education, child labourOut, and children living and working in the streets, community strengthening, and operational research for policy and planning.
The team, in partnership with high performing local civil society organizations (CSOs), will scale up core interventions to save lives and prevent new infections, ensuring that children and youth survive and thrive through sustainable improvements in the health and social well-being of one million orphans and vulnerable children and their families.

Please send a completed application form to by 5pm (EAT) on Friday 2nd December 2016. Please note that we DO NOT accept CVs, resumes and cover letters.
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