16 November  2016

Ifakara Health Institute (IHI) is a leading research organization in Africa, with a strong track record in developing, testing and validating innovations for health. Driven by a core strategic mandate for research, training and services, the institute’s work now spans a wide spectrum, covering biomedical and ecological sciences, intervention studies, health-systems research and policy translation. The specific project will be conducted within the

Department of Environmental Health and Ecological Sciences (EHES): EHES group hosts our malaria vector research programs,

We are seeking to recruit two research officers / to join a team working on new technologies for surveillance and control of mosquitoes as follows;-


1.         Affordable, scalable, low-technology transfluthrin emanators for protecting against transmission of Zika, Dengue and Chikungunya viruses. (DA ES SALAAM)

Existing repellent products are designed for middle and high income country markets, where users can afford to replace or retreat them every day, week, or month. However, these are too expensive and impractical for routine use in communities of low-income countries. We recently developed a low-technology emanatory which releases repellent transfluthrin vapour more slowly, to provide protection against mosquitoes for months or even a year at a time. Thus far however, this device has only been assessed against night-biting vectors of malaria and filariasis.

The overall goal of this study is therefore to repeat these assessments of efficacy for the day-biting Aedes aegpti, the most globally important vector of Dengue,

Chikungunya and Zika. The project will be implemented in Dar es Salaam, where Aedes Aegpti is abundant and has been responsible for Dengue epidemics.

2.         Durable, practical, effective and affordable formats for insecticide-treated eave baffles that protect households and suppress malaria transmission (IFAKARA, MOROGORO)

Vector control with long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) and indoor residual spraying (IRS) account for most of the malaria cases averted in recent years, but emerging physiological resistance to insecticides threatens this gain. Carbamates and organophosphates are the most appropriate classes of insecticides recommended for implementing the WHO Global Insecticide Resistance Plan over the short term, but neither can be safely applied to LLINs and both are prohibitively expensive as routine IRS applications. Apart from this malaria vector species such as Anopheles

clip_image002arabiensis are repeatedly entering and then rapidly exiting from houses through eaves and thus avoiding lethal contact with insecticides.

Overall goal: is to optimizing the use of insecticides treated eave baffle in reducing malaria transmission.This project will be implemented in Ifakara, Morogoro


The research officer will work hand in hand with project team to ensure that the following responsibilities are met:

        Working closely with project leader in designing the experiment
        Assisting the project leader on developing tools for data collection
        Coordinating all field work activities
        Implementation and supervision of field work including field volunteers
        Ensure all mosquito collected are sorted, properly identified, labelled and data entered in field data collection forms

        Perform data entry and cleaning
        Ensure medical research ethics are adhered
        Reporting Progress to the project leader
        Maintaining good relationship with field team and local stakeholders
        Report to Project leader
        Other duties as assigned by the project leader and administration


Bsc (General), Bsc Zoology, Bsc in Wildlife and Conservation Sciences, Degree in Environmental Health and Ecological related Sciences, Bsc in Biological Sciences, Degree related to Parasitology and Entomology.



        Computer skills (Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint)
        Spoken and written English to business standards

        Spoken and written KiSwahili to business standards


An attractive and competitive remuneration package will be offered to successful candidates as per IHI salary scales. The contract will initially be for one year with a three month probation period.


All candidates meeting the above job requirements should channel their application letters with detailed curriculum vitae (CVs) showing contact address, e-mail, telephone numbers, and photocopies of academic and professional certificates to the address below. The applicant should also ‘’explain which of these projects you would like to undertake, why you chose that one, and how you propose to address the research goal’’.

clip_image003IHI staffs working in other projects may also apply and should channel their applications through respective project.

EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES: Ifakara Health Institute is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We prohibit intentional biases or discrimination and harassment of any kind at the work place and during recruitment. All employment decisions are based solely on job requirements and individual qualifications, and our recruitment process is governed by the labour laws in the United Republic of Tanzania.

The dead line for this application is 28th November 2016. Interviews will be held in Dar es Salaam.

Chief of Human Resources Officer,

Ifakara Health Institute,

Kiko Avenue, Mikocheni,

P.O.Box 78373,

Dar es Salaam.


E mail: recruitment@ihi.or.tz Copy to govella@ihi.or.tz